2018 Lian Yun Gang | Another Pearl of Yellow Sea

Jing and Han

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Lian Yun Gang locates in the middle of Yellow sea

1 hour flight from Shanghai

300 Km north of Rudong county

蛎鹬 闪雀 2015年.jpg


Ilustrator: Han Yong Xiang

Bacis Info

September 08 ~ September 11, 2018

4 days, an easy to moderate birding trip

Depart from and return to Shanghai


US$ 1900

A tailor-made tour for only 4 person

Deposit: US$ 700

US$ 250 single room supplement


info@sbsinchina.com or Jing @+86 1391 6270962

The Cost Includes: All accomodations, all main meals, entrance fees, water and guidence;

What's not included: International travels to and from Shanghai; tourist visa and international travel insurance; alcohlic drinks, tips and other items of personal nature; ferry cost as stated in the itinerary;

2018 September Tour Itinerary

Day 0 September 7th, 2018

International flight to Shanghai Pudong Airport, night at Pudong Airport and have a good rest after long travel.

Complimentary airport pickup is available upon reservation.

Accomodation is not included and we could help booking the hotel near Pudong Airport.

Meals: simple meals is available

Day 1 September 8th, 2018

   We will fly to Lian-Yun-Gang in the morning and birdwatch in Lian-Yun-Gang in the afternoon.

   Another hotspot for migrants along the Jiangsu coast, Lian-Yun-Gang supports thousands of Asian Dowitchers regularly. Although peak time in southward migration is in August, in early September we can still see quite a few. Decent number of Relict Gull winter here and we may encounter a few immature birds. Among many gulls and terns, in recent years the critically endangered Chinese Crested Tern (both adults and juvenile) has been recorded in the neighbouring Shandong and Rudong in August and September from an unknown breeding population either in Korea or possibly Shandong, where the last 30+ birds were collected in the 1930’s before it was rediscovered in 21st century in south China.


Accommodation:4 stars or equivalent hotel in Lian-Yun-Gang

Meals: breakfast at hotel; lunch in Lian-Yun-Gang; dinner in Lian-Yun-Gang

中华凤头燕鸥 于涛 2017年8月13日 胶州湾 1.jpg

Chinese Crested Tern by Yu Tao in Qing Dao

Day 2, September 9th, 2018

   Birdwatch in coastal Lian-Yun-Gang. We wil  visit Qiangkou rivermouth, which has habitats of open mudflat, seawall woods, paddy field, reed field salt pan and small hills.

   Alternatively, If ferry available (cost not included), we will visit Cheniushan Island for migrants. Post-breeding Streaked Shearwater and Swinhoe’s Storm-petrel possible on the way.

   The ferry boat is open in weekends for general tourists. The boat company may cancel the shuttler boats withour notice if no enough tourists or unfavorable weather forecast.


the island is about 40 km from Lian Yun Gang mainland

A compliment visit to Han's studio wil be arranged after the dinner.

Accommodation4 stars or equivalent hotel in Lian-Yun-Gang

Meals: breakfast at hotel; lunch in Lian-Yun-Gang; dinner in Lian-Yun-Gang

凤头峰鹰 陈腾逸.jpg

Orietal Honey Buzzard on migration by Tengteng

Day 3, September 10th, 2018

  Birdwatch in coastal Lian-Yun-Gang. We wil try one more time to mudflat, seawall woods, paddy field, salt pan and small hills, same river mouth or another river mouth.

Accommodation4 stars or equivalent hotel in Lian-Yun-Gang

Meals: breakfast at hotel; lunch in Lian-Yun-Gang; dinner in Lian-Yun-Gang

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A flock of mixed Black-tailed Godwit and Asian Dowicher by Han Yong Xiang

Day 4, September 11th, 2018

   Morning Flight back to Shanghai Hong Qiao, transfer to Pudong airport Hotel

Accommodation is not included, which is included in the Amazing Yellow Sea.

Meals: breakfast at hotel; half day tour is available with compliment

Day 5&1 , September 12 th, 2018

First day of Amazing Yellow Sea Tour

Lian Yun Gnag and his Guardian Angel

   Han starts his monthly survey since 2008 and has never stopped, by 2018, he has been counting the birds in for 120 months. Lian Yun Gang and his shorebird data is one the most important output of China Coastal Waterbird Cencus Team.

闪雀野外照 站立 韩永祥 小图.jpg

A art teacher at local primarty school, an amature illustrator and devoted shorebird conservationist

Teacher Yong Xiang Han


   From 2008 to 2017, Han recorded over 80 waterbird in three key sites as Lin Hong, Lie Zie and Qingkou River mouths. Totally 22 gloablly threatened waterbird species were recorded; 26 species with their largest numbers execeeding the 1% criterion.

Key speceis are (all exceeds 1%)

Dalmatian Pelican

Saunder's Gull

Relict Gulls

Chinese Egret

Red Knot

Great Knot

Oystercathers - over 6000 in winter

Asian Dowitcher - over 2000 in northward and southward migration

Bar-tailed Godwit

Black-tailed Godwit

20180430 连云港 半蹼鹬和黑尾塍鹬 闪雀.JPG

A flock of mixed Grey Plover, Black-tailed Godwit and Asian Dowicher

Some Endangered Species

Baikal Teal

Nordmann's Greenshank

Oriental Stork

Far-eastern Curlew

Red-crownd Crane


Far-Eastern Curlew by Jinghua Qian

白眉鸭和花脸鸭 韩永祥 .jpg

Baikal Teal and Garganey

Illustraor: Han Yong Xiang

In winter, Lian Yun Gang is one of best spots to have a look of some wintering sea birds as

Red-throated Diver

Black-throated Diver

White-billed Diver

Red-breasted Merganser

Long-billed Murrelet

Japanse Murrelet

斑海雀 老飞猪.jpg

Long-billed Murrelet by E Zhao

Download the info sheet to invite your friend!

来源:SBS In China